Monday, September 24, 2012

A lesson to commemorate

 In our vast world change is an inevitable part of life. We went from CD players to i-pods, from typewriters to computers, and from human interaction to facebook. However, despite some of the impressive changes technology brings, we still have a lot to learn when it comes to matters of the heart.

I knew Matthew Montagna only well enough to say I knew his name and to say hi. But from what I've been hearing from individuals who did know Matthew, he had a heart that was larger then life itself. The world can be a cruel place and during our toughest years of growth and development we're presented with a stigma which tells us we have to dress a certain way, act a certain way, and if we don't follow these unwritten "rules," the world will swallow us up in a blink of an eye.

I'm writing this to tell Matthew that he was better then all of that and someone who was a step above all of us when it came to compassion. It's that type of compassion we need to remember everyday and not just when someone is crying out for help.

Matthew's death although tragic, has taught us a lesson and brought forth a special mission to appreciate all life, whether it be a shoulder to cry on when needed, or to provide a simple smile to brighten someones day. Subsequently, their will be many who miss Mathew and many who will mourn over the loss of such a young life. However, even though he will be missed we must celebrate the fact that Matthew decided to be the best of himself while he was with us on earth.

And on that note, Matthew's light will always shine, for he is no longer in pain and he is a symbol for those who need help fending for themselves. With that symbol also comes our responsibility to be there not only when others need us but to also be there to show kindness to every person no matter what our differences may be.

Matthew although I did not know you I hope this column will help others spread the message that you are now the light which shines in individuals that are caught up in darkness. It is your spirit that is needed in each and everyone of us. I will unfortunately never physically meet you but your spirit will now guide me to be a better person and for that, I thank you.

there will be a Candle Lighting Service at the Panther's field in Remembrance of Matthew Montagna on Wednesday September 26th at the Jr. Patriots Field on Swallow Street in Pittston.

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