Life is like a time bomb. It could blow at any minute, any second, and it seems like there is nothing you can do to stop it. I was recently in that situation and when I thought I had nothing left I tried doing the unthinkable. But that's because I wasn't thinking.
Life is a game that hits us with challenges that seem impossible. they make us upset, bring us down, and more often then not, a person won't be able to complete the task at hand.
But does that mean you give up and throw everything away? Absolutely not! Things happen that are not our fault. You can do everything right down to the tee and life will throw a punch that knocks us to the ground.
But the person who I know, who is my best friend, and who I love with all my heart is far from being down for the count. Because she is a person who I have faith in more then anyone. And no matter how impossible things may seem to be she always finds a way to make that impossible situation possible.
Know that when you are upset and crying...I'm crying with you. And the people who care about you will always be there to pick you back up and wipe your tears away. It's not the first time something like this has happened and I guarantee you it certainly won't be the last. But when you're presented with grief you learn from it, you grow from it, and it makes you a stronger person in the end.
Everything happens for a reason Piglet and I know you will find a way to make things better again. You are my hero. I wouldn't be half the person I am today if it wasn't for you. And the people who care about you are there to do the same for you.
The one great thing about life is that every day is a new day and we can dust ourselves off and try again. Just take each day one step at a time. Today's history and tomorrow's a mystery. Keep your chin up piglet...we're all here for you whenever you need us. Love you.
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