In the 1995 film "Jack" actor Robin Williams plays Jack Powell. A 10 year old boy who ages three times faster than the average person. He has the look of a man in his mid thirties, but has the spark and innocence of a little boy.
Throughout his whole life Jack has been home schooled by his teacher and best friend Mr. Woodruff who is played by actor Bill Cosby. Mr. Woodruff recommends to Jack's parents that they should allow him to experience a regular class room. At first, his parents were worried. They weren't worried about Jack accepting the world, they were worried about the world accepting Jack.
On his first day, he faces a lot of ridicule from the other kids. They call him the giant, a freak, and accuse him of not really being ten years old. Even when Jack receives negative comments he never loses his strive to be treated like everyone else.
One day Jack meets his classmate Louis who needs a favor. He needs Jack to pretend to be the school principal and convince his mother that Louis is not acting out in school. Jack agrees to do it and succeeds beyond all measure. From then on, Jack and Louis become best friends. Their friendship allowed the other students to realize that jack is a cool kid.
As the film progresses, so does Jack's disease. He becomes so ill that he eventually goes back to being home schooled. Jack enters a dark moment in his life. Simple tasks are hard for him, he doesn't want to learn anymore, and you get the feeling he's lost his desire to live. His friends have become concerned. They go to his house every day asking if Jack could come out and play. Jack doesn't want to see anyone, the only person he sees is his teacher Mr. Woodruff. One day Mr. Woodruff decides to leave. Jack tells him "he can't quit."
Mr. Woodruff says he is not quitting, but he considers himself losing a student. He asks Jack if he ever saw a shooting star. He tells Jack it's amazing, some people don't even get to see one, it's so incredible the world just stops and watches, and you were my shooting star. Jack responds by telling Mr. Woodruff "I just want to be a regular star." Mr. Woodruff tells Jack, "you'll never be regular, you're spectacular."
Jack realizes Mr. Woodruff is right and returns to school to be with his friends. When Jack walks in, the classroom roared with joy, and at that very moment Louis was making an oral presentation on what he wanted to be when he grew up. I want to be like the giant, the big guy, my best friend, Jack.
This story is powerful not just if you have an illness, but in all aspects of life. When you hit a rough patch no matter what that may be, remember,
everyone has something in them that allows them to be a shooting star. It could be as simple as greeting someone who is having a bad day. Never allow yourself to settle for being regular. Never let anyone ridicule you for who you really are. Also, try not to be too upset with the person who is ridiculing you. Because they have taken the time to sop and watch.
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